June 4, 2024

Ready, Set, Goal! The More Powerful Goal-Setting Experience is Here

Today, we are introducing the revamped goal-setting workflow in MacroFactor, designed to provide users with the most powerful and user-friendly utilities available for weight management. Our latest update makes it easier than ever to set, adjust, and achieve your weight loss, weight gain, or weight maintenance goals with precision and confidence.

Set weight loss or weight gain goals with the most powerful utilities on the market

MacroFactor’s goal-setting wizard has been recreated from the ground up. This revamped wizard delivers on a more intuitive goal editor that gives users more control over their weight management roadmap.

how to set a weight loss goal in macrofactor

When you first engage with the goal creation wizard, you will choose your primary objective—losing weight, maintaining your current weight, or gaining weight. Our intuitive interface guides you through this initial step, ensuring that future steps are personalized to your intended goal.

define your target weight and receive an individualized daily calorie budget

Next, you will define your target weight and receive an individualized daily calorie budget. Our algorithms recommend a tailored plan based on your current weight, desired goal, and your selected rate of change. Whether you're aiming to shed a few pounds or gain muscle mass, MacroFactor provides precise and actionable guidance. You’ll see your initial daily calorie budget and projected timeline and be able to adjust your plan to your needs.

the comprehensive goal summary screen consolidates all your critical information into one easy-to-read overview

Finally, the comprehensive goal summary screen consolidates all your critical information into one easy-to-read overview. See your starting weight, target weight, weekly weight change goals, and learn more about how we will adjust your calorie targets to keep you on track. 

The initial daily budget provides you with a best known starting point to kick-start your diet, but is meant to evolve as MacroFactor gains more data about how your weight responds to your caloric intake. As your metabolic needs change, MacroFactor will adjust your daily budget to keep you on track to lose or gain weight at your desired goal rate.

Leverage our unique dynamic maintenance mode to sustain your results

Maintaining your weight can be just as challenging as losing or gaining it. MacroFactor's unique dynamic maintenance mode is designed to make maintenance easier to manage, adjusting your plan to keep you on track with your maintenance target with precision. 

You can begin by selecting the "Maintain Weight" goal and setting your target trend weight. Trend weight is an advanced analytics feature that smooths out transient daily fluctuations on your scale to give a more accurate picture of your true weight over time.

how to set a maintenance goal in macrofactor

Once you make your selection, MacroFactor will provide an initial dynamic calorie range, which represents the range of calories you could see in your generated macro program if you deviated from your desired maintenance target. For example, if your goal is to maintain your weight at 160 pounds and you are currently 160 pounds, our algorithm will recommend Calorie targets to match your daily expenditure. However, if you are currently 164 pounds, MacroFactor will adjust your daily targets to place you in a small but consistent deficit until you reach your 160 pound weight target. 

dynamic maintenance mode

We call this “Dynamic Maintenance.” Unlike static plans offered in other food logging apps, our Dynamic Maintenance mode continuously monitors your weight and metabolism. Each week during your check-in, the algorithm assesses your progress and makes small adjustments to your macro plan. If you deviate from your target weight by a significant margin, MacroFactor will recommend a slight calorie surplus or deficit, keeping you within your desired range.

Even if your weight stays consistently at your target, MacroFactor may adjust your maintenance calories over time. For example, if you were recently in a deficit and lost weight, your expenditure may have decreased from your previous baseline due to the effects of metabolic adaptation. Once you begin your maintenance phase, you may see that your daily expenditure climbs in response to your new norm. Your expenditure may also change due to change in activity, diet, and other factors. 

Adapt your goal to your changing needs over time

We've introduced significant improvements to our goal-editing workflow, providing you with more flexibility to adapt your goals as your needs change.

In the past, MacroFactor users could only adjust their rate of weight change. Now, you can edit both your target weight and your rate of weight change, and this editor will adapt to your goal mode. 

Editing goals in MacroFactor – Adapt your goal to your changing needs over time

MacroFactor supports two distinct modes for weight loss and weight gain: Scale Weight and Trend Weight. Initially, you'll work toward your goal using Scale Weight—the weight you see on the scale. Once you reach your scale weight goal, MacroFactor will present you with an option to continue pursuing your goal until you reach Trend Weight – a figure that smooths out daily fluctuations. This safeguards your progress against transient daily fluctuations on the scale.

Editing goals in MacroFactor – Adapt your goal to your changing needs over time

When you are pursuing your goal with Scale Weight, MacroFactor enables you to edit your goal in terms of the numbers you see on the scale. If you choose to pursue your goal with Trend Weight, the app will adapt to this new mode and present its editing capabilities in context of your estimated true weight.

Enjoy our new motion story

We believe that a macro tracker should not only be effective but also enjoyable. That's why we're thrilled to introduce our new motion story—a series of lively animated characters designed to bring a touch of joy to your journey. While we continue to prioritize the streamlined, highly functional experiences you rely on, these charming animations add a layer of engagement to your app interactions.

animated characters in MacroFactor's goal-setting navigation

As you navigate through setting and achieving your goals, you'll be accompanied by a cast of animated characters. These companions are here to motivate, entertain, and cheer you on.

Our motion story is more than just fun—it's designed to enhance your overall experience. The animations are seamlessly integrated into the app, providing visual cues and feedback without distracting from the core functionalities. This balance ensures that while you enjoy the playful elements, your focus remains on achieving your weight management goals.

Start pursuing your weight goal today

Our redesigned goal-editing interface is intuitive and user-friendly, making it easy to create new goals and make adjustments whenever necessary. The new workflow ensures that all critical information—such as your initial daily budget, projected end date, and any changes to your goal—is clearly displayed, giving you full control over your weight management journey.

With these new tools and features, MacroFactor empowers you to lose weight, gain muscle, and maintain your results.

To maximize your experience with these new features and get started more confidently, check out MacroFactor’s knowledge base articles on setting a new goal and creating a new macro program.

Ways to get started with MacroFactor

The MacroFactor team is available to help on the MacroFactor app community on Facebook and the MacroFactor subreddit. 

If you are ready to get started with MacroFactor, you can download the app now from the App Store or Google Play

You can also learn more about macro tracking, nutrition, and physiology by reading our in-depth articles or browsing our extensive knowledge base. 

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The macro tracker that adapts to your metabolism