SF Menu Bar: Browse and copy SF Symbol names
SF Menu Bar helps developers and designers browse Apple's collection of over 4,400 SF Symbols and quickly copy a symbol's name or unicode character to the clipboard.
The app is powered by the same comprehensive data as Adaptivity, providing access to all the different versions of SF Symbols since iOS 13.
- Instantly-accessible menu bar app with optional global keyboard shortcut
- Smart search algorithm to quickly find symbols
- Keyboard navigation
- Choose between the different SF Symbol data set versions
- Browse using the same categories that Apple uses in its SF Symbols app
- Or use one of the smart collections to browse symbols which are restricted, unrestricted, uncategorized, or have language or right-to-left localizations
- Select different render modes, configure colors and, on macOS 13 or later, use Variable Color.
- Configurable layout: 6 symbol sizes, 8–16 columns, 2–16 rows
- Optional annotations to show symbol names or identify favorite, restricted and localized symbols
- Copy symbol names in a format compatible with PureSwiftUI or SFSafeSymbols
- Favorites and custom collections are shared with Adaptivity running on the same Mac
How it works
- Open the app using a keyboard shortcut or by clicking the menu bar icon
- Start typing a search term to filter the results
- Select a symbol to copy the name that is compatible with the data set being viewed
- Alternatively, copy the unicode character for a symbol
- The app automatically switches focus back to your previous app
- Paste the name or symbol into your source code or design tool
SF Menu Bar is a one-time $2.99 / £2.99 / 3,49 € purchase.
Fact Sheet
Supported Platforms
macOS 11.0+
Apple Technologies
Data Not Collected