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Use the AI in haiku to create beautiful poems
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Unlock the enchanting world of haikus with HeyAIku, where the power of OpenAI's advanced API brings poetry to life. Simply enter up to three topics, and watch as the app creates beautiful haikus infused with the essence of your chosen themes.

Experience the magic of AI-generated haikus with HeyAIku. Enter your desired topics, and let the OpenAI’s intelligent algorithms craft evocative three-line poems on your behalf. Sit back, relax, and witness the beauty of AI-inspired creativity.

Available on all Apple platforms.

Fact Sheet

Used Apple technologies

SwiftUI, SpeechSynthesis, CoreData, iCloud, StoreKit

Supported devices

iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple TV, Apple Watch

Supported platforms

iOS 16+, macOS 13+, tvOS 16+, watchOS 10+

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