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Trip Tunes

Road Trips, Rewound.
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Trip Tunes crafts the perfect playlists for your road trip.

Tell Trip Tunes where you're coming from and where you're headed. Optionally enter a few words describing the theme and vibe of your trip, as well as selecting your favorite genres. Kick off the request, and watch your blank cassette fill up with songs that explore the local music scene and match the vibe of your trip. Save it to Apple Music to experience the songs in full, or preview the playlist locally.


  • Generate playlists themed to your road trip, with deep cuts exploring artists unique to the locations
  • Save playlists to Apple Music so you can listen to and share them
  • Preview and edit your playlist before saving it
  • Discover local artists
  • Delightful skeuomorphic 80s mixtape vibe
  • Revisit locally saved playlists and preview songs within Trip Tunes, even without an Apple Music subscription

Who is this app for?

People who love music and want to experience some local flavor when traveling. Bonus points if you're nostalgic for 80s mixtapes and endless roadtrips.


Each blank tape allows you to generate a single playlist with at least thirty songs. Get three free tapes for trying the app. Additional tapes are available via in-app purchase at 5 for $1, 15 for $2 and 30 for $3.

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